‘One man's trash is another man's treasure’- Idiom.

Using discarded materials I am able to transform an everyday space into a new way of experiencing inspired by trace and architecture.

Transforming the old into the new. Giving new forms of life to old discarded materials. I scavenge far and wide to find materials wherever I can. I give these forgotten and thrown away materials a new identity through mark making, construction and colour placement.

Conversations between textures, colours and shapes are what drive my making process. The immediacy of this conversation makes the physical process of making a first hand experience that is subjective to ones own personal interpretation. I react to the subjective experience I have with the materials by adding new elements whilst still retaining the previous marks made.

I’m interested in the process of illustrating a new form of interaction and a new form of identity. There’s a complete contrast between the gallery space and my own practice, between ‘The Permanent and The Temporary’.  

Jessica Langley

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