ARTIST: Clay Ketter

 In My Mind in Venice, 2006, 143 x 180 cm, mixed media
 R.T.P. 20.B, 2000, 200 x 200 cm, mixed media
T.P. alb. 18.X '99, 1999, 180 x 180 cm, mixed media

Signs of life, painting as a process.
"The demolished buildings left traces of levels, plumbing and ventilating shafts on the gables of the beautiful old houses left standing, bearing witness to the lives that had been lived there. Clay Ketter perceived them as large-scale Trace Paintings. Once the necessary permission had been obtained from the city, he devoted himself to a form of mural painting, but this time painting straight onto parts of the gables. His interference with the existing architecture – enhancing certain sections and thereby making the facade reflect the floor plan of the apartments behind it – became a public work of art"
" Here, a layer-upon-layer relationship arises, since the paintings are paintings of photographs of paintings made on walls that bear traces of earlier paint and building work. Step by step, the works are abstracted and distanced from the house wall that was their origin." - Magnus af Petersens
I have a great interest in Clay Ketter's earlier works and his idea involving traces of levels. It makes me think of my work in a new way, as i am always working with plaster, pins and wood, when removed from my studio wall there is a trace/marking of what was there before. Now when makings a new piece on my wall I'm always thinking about how the remanding marks from my last work will interact with my new work. Im also interested in that layer-upon-layer idea in changing the original and developing from recycled materials.

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